Son Life School of Theology
Christian Life School of Theology was brought into existence for the purpose of preparing ministerial, educational and other Christian leaders and workers to fulfill the scriptural mission of the Church.
The specific purposes and objectives of the institution are here stated so that all may know, both now and in the future, the reasons for which this institution was established. It is our prayer that these aims and objectives be recognized and, under God, honored by all who shall provide instruction, seek instruction, provide sup- port, or in any other way be a part of the perpetuation of this institution.
The principal purpose of Christian Life School of Theology is the establishment and maintenance of a program of education in and for the members and friends of the local churches served who are interested in in-depth studies in Bible, Counseling, Christian Development, Church Growth and related subjects.
These studies are designed to prepare Christian workers for pastoral, counseling, evangelistic, teaching, music, youth, children’s and other ministries. They are also designed to enrich one’s personal spiritual life and strengthen the local church’s ministry.
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