Genesis II
A Community Outreach Serving the St. Louis Area
4501 Swan Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63110
314 531-5335
Daily Soup Kitchen
Our soup kitchen serves hot meals Monday through Friday at lunchtime. We regularly minister to several dozen adults during the lunch hour, preaching the Word of God to them, praying with them for their needs, and encouraging them in their daily struggles.
Daily Kid’s Program
Following the Monday through Friday soup kitchen, we open our facilities to the kids from the neighborhood. We structure time to teach them a Bible lesson, play board or video games, help them with homework, feed them an after school snack and involve them in our kid’s choir.
Monthly Food Pantry
Each month we give out food boxes to families from the surrounding area. Canned goods, boxed foods, and other non-perishables are included. On a daily basis, however, we allow our patrons to take home surplus perishables such as produce, bread, and milk products.
If you would be interested in contributing to the Genesis II project, please contact [email protected]. All donations are tax-deductible. Thank you for joining Genesis II in the effort to make a difference in the St. Louis community.
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