Collinsville Area Ministerial Association (C.A.M.A)

Collinsville Area Churches working together to meet the needs of those in our community
Here are some of the things that the Collinsville Area Ministerial Association are doing in our community:
- Community Worship Services- CAMA host’s two community worship services that occur at Thanksgiving and Good Friday. Area churches make their sanctuaries available to the clergy to participate on a rotating basis for these special events.
- Monthly Clergy Meetings – On the first Tuesday of each month at noon the pastors from the participating churches in the Collinsville area meet for fellowship and business. The host church serves lunch to the clergy.
- Food Pantry- The First United Presbyterian Church graciously houses our food cupboard, which is staffed by competent volunteers. Those in need are invited to visit at certain hours and assistance is provided.
- Clothing Closet- Thanks to the generosity of many people in the Collinsville area clothing is made available for those who are in need of inexpensive apparel. Many people have been serviced through this ministry over the years.
- Food Baskets- During the Christmas holiday’s food baskets are prepared and delivered to over 200 families in the Collinsville area. These families would otherwise not be able to have that special meal that marks the holiday season.
- Toy Distribution- The Unit 10 school system and local churches submit names of children that would be worthy recipients of gifts for the advent celebration. Hundreds of dollars are donated each year by area churches and delivered to the homes.
- Transient Assistance – As funds are available, a voucher system opens the door for temporary lodging, meals, gasoline and other incidentals for those passing through Collinsville. The local church signs the vouchers, a police check is made and then the recipient takes the voucher to the merchant for assistance.
The CAMA office is located at: First United Presbyterian Church, 201 East Church Street, Collinsville, IL 62234. The phone number is 618 346-1861.
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