Son Life School of Theology
From the President
Christian Life School of Theology (CLST) is a school for the Church. Our primary commitment is to serve the local church and its leadership by enabling them to educate and prepare their members for Kingdom service. When the Lord called CLST into being, it was understood by all of us in the formative stages that CLST would be a hand-maiden to the local church and pastor, to enable them to do with excellence what God called them to do in their communities.
Our product, therefore, is a Christian man or woman educated and trained to be capable of serving Christ in an exemplary and effective manner in any walk of life in today’s world. To this end we bring CLST, its curriculum and faculty to the local church to be shepherded by the pastor because we believe that the proper setting for preparing people for Kingdom living and service is the local church.
We are pleased to present CLST, the original “college without walls,” which has thousands of students throughout the United States and the world. These students are maturing into strong witnesses for Christ around the world.
Ronald E. Cottle, B.A., M.Div., M.S.Ed., Ph.D., Ed.D., D.D.
President and Founder
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