Collinsville Ministry Center

Collinsville Area Churches working together to meet the needs of those in our community
The Ministry Center is the counseling arm of Son Life Church ministering to those in our membership and in our community. This department is the result of Pastor Patti’s vision that the church should be a healing community and that mental, emotional and spiritual help would come from the body of Christ interacting with one another. Pastor Patti has spent many years training counselors to assist with this healing work in our assembly. These counselors are part of the department called the Potter’s Wheel Ministries and are now under the oversight of Pastor Jeanne Roth (LPC).
Pastor Jeanne is also trained in Temperament Analysis Profiles, otherwise known as T.A.P. Since implementing the temperament testing , Pastor Dennis has seen some remarkable changes in our local assembly:
“Many people who would never go to a counselor have come to the temperament analysis out of curiosity . This model of counseling has keen insight about one’s temperament, and our members have found it to be accurate. As a result of Jeanne’s counseling with this method, the T.A.P. has changed the way our members work within the church. Many of them have come to peace with their unique talents and giftings, as well as their own frailties, without pride or guilt that can be associated with other forms of secular counseling. I would highly recommend this for every person in our church. If someone has a good marriage, it will make it stronger; if they are struggling with their identity, it will help them to see their uniqueness. Knowing the person that God has made them to be will bring peace to their life. We have seen this tool as invaluable to the church, for the whole can only be as strong as its parts”.
For additional information on the T.A.P. reports, to schedule an appointment or for fee structure, contact The Ministry Center at 618 345-4224 X112
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